
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Water Cycle - Hurumanu

Definition: Water cycle is a process that the sun is absorbing the water and it going to evaporate and going to the clouds, it's called evaporation. The continues process by which water is circulated throughout the earth and the atmosphere through evaporation, condensation, precipitation and the transpiration of the plants and animals. 

Scientific words:

  • Evaporation. When water is heated by radiant energy it turns into water vapor.
  • Transpiration. Evaporation from plants.
  • Condensation. When water vapor cools, molecules join together and form clouds.
  • Precipitation. When clouds get heavy the waters falls as rain, sleet, hail, or snow.
  • Acidification: the action or process of making or becoming acidic.

We will be conducting an experiment that looks at the different ways that climate change is affecting the water cycle.


Bag 1: Normal Water cycle
Bag 2: Water cycle with CO2 added: like Oceans in climate change
Bag 3: Water cycle with ice added: like Antarctica in climate change


  1.  Plastic bag  
  2.  Vivid marker 
  3.  1 cup of water
  4.  2 drops of food coloring


  1. Grab a plastic bag and vivid pen and wait for the next instruction.
  2.  After you get your materials you can draw to your plastic bag
  3. Put the 1 cup of water inside of  your plastic bag
  4.  Put 2 drops of coloring to your water.
  5.  Stick the plastic bag at the window and observe it for a week to see what will going to happen.

Two Images:

  I think the water is going to moist on the top of the plastic bag and the water is going repeat evaporation day by day. But if someone poke it maybe the process gone wrong because maybe the water didn't evaporate and just stay like what it is.

Today for our science hurumanu we did a new experiment, this experiment is about water cycle, at first i don't know how we are doing a water cycle using a plastic bag and a marker but when we already did the experiment i really enjoy it because i have something the i learn a because of the experiment i get more ideas about water cycle and how it is working. We did that experiment to explain how the water cycle is working and what is it and what are the process that we don't know about water cycle.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Community Impact Project

For our community impact project next week my class and Mr. Tisch class going to Charlesworth Reserve to do our community impact project here, some of us are excited because we usually doing our community impact project here at our school so we are happy. We are going to Charlesworth Reserve to plant some trees and learn how to plant a trees or any native plant, some of us don't know where and what is Charlesworth Reserve so our teachers told us that we can do some searching first about to this place and what is the history of this place and are the people doing here, after some minute of searching they told us to make a blog post about what, where is the Charlesworth Reserve and explain why do we need and what is the purpose of a trees. I did a slides showing what i found about Charlesworth Reserve and other information about it.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Science - Fossil Fuels

 Image result for coal mining

Aim: To look at how fossil fuels are contributing to climate change and how we can prevent this.

Definition of Fossil Fuels:

Fossil Fuels is a natural fuels such as cola or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.

Scientific Terms for Students
  • coal: a dark-brown to black solid substance formed naturally from the compaction and hardening of fossilized plants and used as a fuel primarily for electricity generation
  • natural gas: a mixture of hydrocarbon gases that occurs naturally beneath the earth’s surface and is used as a fuel primarily for cooking and heating homes
  • renewable resource: a resource that is never used up (e.g., solar energy)
  • non-renewable resource: a resource that is not replaceable after its use (e.g., coal, gas)

Examples of Fossil Fuels:
  1.   oil 
  2.   coal
  3.  natural gas


In groups of 3 you will learn about different fossil fuels and the way they are mined?
Each group will be given a fossil fuel. The recorder will read it to the group. The recorder will write down some of the important points.
Person 1: Recorder: to write down 5 points of interest from the text. 
  1. 5 Points:
  2. Positives and negatives of your type of mining.
Person 2: Reporter: to read back to the class their 5 points of interest.
Person 3: Collector: Gathers the required stationary from the teacher.

Mining Fossil Fuels

What Fossil Fuels are mined? Coal, oil and natural gas
How are they mined?

1. Fossil fuels formed as result of plants and animals that died million of years ago.
2. They are found underneath the Earth's surface at varying depths.
3. Natural gas is found in deep underground rock formations.
4. Coal is mined by the extractions of coal deposits from the surface and underground of earth.

Where are they mined?

1.  The United States
2. Australia
3. Russia
4. China
5. South Africa


    On the sheet provided you need to make two drawings of your cookie. 
    1. looking down at it. 
    2. side on -  of the imaginary habitat that will live on the top of the cookie. ( trees, buses, flax, sea, etc)


    1.  Cookie
    2.   Paper
    3.   Pen
    4.  toothpick 
    1.  First you need to draw the cookie don't break because you need to compare the cookie after you remove the chocolate chip.
    2. After that you need to draw a habitat it can a forest or something you want. 
    3.   There are some question below that you need to answer about to your habitat you need to answer these questions.
    4.   After that you need to remove the chocolate chips from the cookie using the toothpick and draw the cookie again.
    5.   You need to draw your habitat and imagine that some people do a mining on your habitat.
    6.   After your done drawing you need to answer the question about how it change and what happen on the life of the living things that living on your habitat.
    Once you have drawn your cookies you must take 2 pictures and upload them to your blog.



    Conclusion:  When i answer the question after mining  i realized that mining is not good to our nature because it can affect to some animals that living in their habitat because they can day because of the acid that some people using when mining. I like this lesson because i learn something new that i can used for other work that i need to do.

    Saturday, June 22, 2019

    Drama- Ways to be physically active

    For our drama this week our lesson is about how to be physically active, so our teacher told us that we need to do a blog post about physical activities i love this lesson because i learn something new and i learn what i need to do to be physically active.

    How to be physically active?

    • Pull out your old jumps ropes for some great exercise.
    • Find online videos for aerobic kickboxing or other fitness activity that you like, and make your favorite exercise a regular part of you day.
    • Walking is also helping you to stay physically active so you can leave your car keys at you home and walk if your destination is not that far.
    • Swimming is one of the activity that helping you to stay fit so if you have a time to swim you can do it for your body.
    • Watch some yoga videos and you can copy it and you can do it every morning to stay healthy.
    Manny Paqiuao - He is professional Filipino boxer, politician and currently serving as a senator of the Philippines. (Running for 30 minutes, Battle ropes, Crunches and Russian twists).
    BTS - Also know as Bangtan Sonyeondan they are famous Korean boy band they have a fandom called ARMY. ( 20 push ups, 20 shoulder exercise, 10 plank shoulder, 20 mountain climber, 15 burpee)

    On Tuesday my class do a hot seating since i am not with them i didn't did it because i have a ESOL when they did it. Hot seating is a strategy played with a teacher or a student , are interviewed by the rest of the group.

    Thursday, June 20, 2019

    Climate Change

     As you watch the video answer these questions:
    What is our greatest threat in thousands of years?
    Our greatest threat in thousand of years is the climate change because this is hard for some of us that the climate is not good.
    How do we see climate change affecting the globe?
    1.  Climate change is the reason why the water level is going up
    2.  the reason why there are some storms that cause why our world is now not in a good situation.
    3. Climate change is also the reason of flooding.
    4. It also affecting our globe because air pollution is one of the reasons why the globe is getting hotter.
    5. It’s affecting our globe because climate change is happening if the temperature is super hot.
    What is needed to change history?
    We need to use less cars to avoid air pollution, we need to use less factory because the smoke from factories is one of the reasons why the world become more hotter because of the things on that smoke.
    Is climate change a man made disaster?
    Yes because humans is doing some activities that are not good to our planet and the humans using some things that helping the climate becomes hotter and hotter and our planet don’t like that.
    Dramatic action must be made in the next __ years to change it?
    10 years
    Why is our climate changing?
    Climate is changing because the temperature of our planet getting hotter and hotter and the globe don’t like it because it’s too hot.
    What is causing the warming trend of the climate?
    The things that are causing the warming trend of the climate is the cars, fossil fuel, and the smoke coming out from the factories.
    What is the main problem?
    Our main problem is the climate change we can avoid this by using less cars to avoid air pollution and we need to avoid using more factories because the smoke coming out from the factories and cars are one of the reasons why the temperature is getting hotter and hotter.
    What are examples of these?
    The smoke coming out from the cars and factories.
    Burning fossil fuels releases what gas?
    It releases a carbon dioxide.
    How much hotter now is our world?
                                                                          1 degrees Celsius
    What do we call this global warming?
    This is called climate change.
    How is this affecting creatures / animals like bats?
    Is affecting some animals like bats because a thousand of bats died because of climate change and some of them got rescued but it’s bad for the other animals the climate change so we need to avoid it.
    What percentage of species are near extinction?
    How could this affect the world ecosystems?
    If the forest is get dry because it's very hot some insects might be die because they not used to it and maybe some of the animals living here can't live properly because of climate change.
    What global change was seen and recording breaking last year?
                                                                                It's a big fire.
    How is climate change affecting our weather systems?
    1. It's getting hotter
    2. We can get more rains
    3. Flooding and super storm
    What is another effect of climate change?
                                           It effect some animals because some of them died because                                                                                         it's getting hotter and hotter.
    What will happen if the ice melts in Antarctica and the Arctic?
    It can be the reason why our water level going up and the cause of flooding.
    How does this affect people?
                                 This affects people because some people not used to it especially the weather is                                                    changing time by time so some people can get sick.
    What other things affect oceans change.
    It's affect because the sea level is getting higher.
    What does too much heat do to the coral?
                                                           Too much heat can kill corals.
    Why did some industries not want to stop burning fossil fuels?
    Because the examples of fossil fuels oil,coal and it produce energy.

    Thursday, June 13, 2019

    Climate Change

    Aim: To look at the causes of climate change and how to prevent it.


    You can decide on how you would like to do this investigation. Your presentation could be on the blog, slides, or powerpoint.

    Investigate the different Fossil Fuels listed?

    1. Coal
    2. Oil

    Write a paragraph and upload an image about each of these renewable energies.


    Write a reflection about what you have learnt about Climate Change and how it is going to affect 

    Tuesday, June 4, 2019

    Tangaroa - Game

    For our digital technology we need to make our own game, or game is need to have any connection to any Kaitiaki and related to any environmental issues we started to work on it in the pats few week and today is our last day for digital technology and we are not allowed to work to our game because we need to do our blog post about our game.

    Game link
    Scratch : Click
    I really enjoy this hurumanu because i have something that i know now that i don't know before and i learn how to make a game and i learn some game apps and i didn't try before so i enjoy this hurumanu. I learnt something about some different issues on our environment and i learnt that i need a game plan before i work to my game so it's easy for me because i have a instruction to follow. Since i didn't complete my game i think i need work more to finish my game. I made a lot of mistakes because i don't know the app that i use when i'm making a game but i manage to do my work. I think i need to know what app i will use to get my game done and properly. I learnt how to make a game using the different apps and i learnt how to do a game plan. I think i need to improve making game plan because at first i'm confused and i don't know how to do a game plan.

    I use to make my game is scratch because it's easy for me to learn how to use this app but when i need to put my game at my blog it take o long but i really enjoyed using scrath.

    1.  What did you learn about my game?                                                                                                       
    2.  What do you think i need to improve to my work?                                                                           
    3.  If you are going to make a game what will you use?

    Math: DLO column method addition/subtraction

    This week for our Math our form teacher gave us a task and it said that we need to make a DLO about to our favorite way to use when we are doing subtraction and addition some of us did the column way, our teacher said that we can use our own way to explain our different way we can use a slide,docs or anything you want but you need to explain your work. I use a slide to make a DLO because it's easy for me i hope you can learn something and i hope you learn how to do this way.