
Monday, May 25, 2020

How to write an email?

Today our teacher told us the proper way how to write an email. She came up with this idea because she notice some email that sent to her during the lockdown. First she told us the different part of the email and some example of it. I think this is really helpful because sometimes I am making a mistakes about writing an email. We need to write an email to our parent and our form teacher

First thing, an email need to start by a greeting, there is a lot of greetings that you can use base on who is the person you are sending an email. Hello and hi is the most common greeting that we are using. Check in, this part is all about asking the person, you can ask how are they feeling, just to check them. And the most important one is the body on this part this is where you are saying the purpose of your email and why did you write it. The last thing that you need to put on you email is the salutation. This is the last part that you need to put on your email.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Wordart - Lockdown

Today we have been doing a word art, we are doing this using the words that can make us remember the things that we did during lockdown. We need at least 10 words or more that the things that we did to our lockdown experience. I decided to choose the heart shape because I really love these things and I think my work is pretty good because I like all the words that I put it on my word art, also all of the words that I choose is the things that I enjoyed during the lockdown.

Hello, Goodbye Poem

Yesterday we write a poem called "Hello, Goodbye" poem, this poem that we need to write is all about our time during the lock down. For this poem we need to say hello to the things that we can be able to do after the lock down and say goodbye to those things that we used to do while we are in quarantine. I hope you like my work.

                                  Hello And Goodbye
                                          Sheila Yap

Hello to the smell of  fresh air that I have missed for a long time and to the sounds of the birds that are singing every morning.
Goodbye to those times that I spend inside the house watching movies without any chance to go for a walk. 

Hello classmates/friends that I didn’t see for a month and spending time with them online.
Goodbye to the boring times that I spend cleaning the house everyday and to those times that I spend all day just laying on my bed.

Hello school that makes me  wake up early every day and do my routines in the early morning.
Goodbye to my gadgets that I am using and makes me sleep really late at night.

Hello malls and beaches that I can’t visit during the lockdown.
Goodbye to our backyard that helps me to feel even a little bit of fresh air.

Hello to our normal life and freedom.
Goodbye lockdown.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Science - Lab safety

What is safety?
Safety is to protect yourself from harm and danger.

How to keep yourself safe;
  • Put your bags under your desk.
  • Do not run across the classroom or on laboratory.
  • Don't play with equipment.
  • Wear your safety glasses when you are using fire.
  • For girl, tie your hair up when you are doing experiment.
  • Don't eat or drink inside the laboratory.
  • Wear the proper gear.
What is hazardous?
When an object can harm or dangerous for you.

What is meniscus?
The curved side of a liquid when it is in a beaker.

Welcome to PE at level 2

During the lock down there is a lot of positive things that happen to me, I spend some time with my sister doing some basics exercise every morning. Also during lock down I enjoyed spending more time with my family, I watched a lot of movie in Netflix with my sister and we made a lot of different food for our parents since they also don't have a work. 

 Also during lock down I also have some negative experience that I don't really like, for me I find it hard to communicate to my teachers specially when I need help to my work. Because compare to those days that we have school I can just talk to them and it's really easy to communicate to others when we are at school so I find it really hard because every time that I need help I need to sent an email. Also there are some works that I really don't know so it is hard for me to do that and I need to learn it by myself. 

I also did some fitness at home which is doing some basics exercise and walking outside to get a fresh air after staying at home for a lot of hours. I start to do this things because the situation right now makes me think that we are needed to be healthy but I know that we always need to be healthy not just in this kind of situation.

Since there is no competition sports happening because of this situation but I am thankful that we are having a chance to do some sports with other students here in HHS I am looking forward being able to play badminton, I really like badminton and I even sign up for the winter sports. I am also thinking if I can do different sports except for badminton. And lastly I want to try jump rope for the stretching because it's been a while when I try it so I think it would be fun.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Adjective Poster - ESOL

For our week 4 work in ESOL our teacher gave us a work about adjective, we need to make a poster that showing the meaning, examples and how to use it in a sentence. We can choose the ways that wee want to present it. You can choose is you want to make it in paper or in online. I decided to make it simple so I use google drawing.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Business Studies - Games

The task the we have to do for our business studies for this week is all about making our own games using the things that we discuss and the topics that we have learned over term 1.
I decided to make game where have a little spinner that looks like a clock and instead of having a  number around it you will see a different activity. The first things that you need to do is you need to choose one topic and spin the arrow in the middle of our spinner and do the activity base on where the arrow stop spinning.
I decided to choose this type of game because it's easy to make and you don't need to much time to do it. Also I really like this games because you're not just gonna do 1 or same activity on each word but a lot of choices and you don't know what is it, also for me business studies is really helpful for us so you will need to be able to do the basics or simple activity like this before you will learn a lot of different things. And of course you will learn it while having fun at the same time.