
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Day 2 SLJ - Sport & Leisure

Hello everyone, today we are going to do a new activity for our summer learning journey, we need to pick another activity that we want to do for today, we already did one activity on Monday. On Monday I picked the activity that we need to make our own profile page about Lorde, and for today I picked the activity that telling us to make a four simile sentences also this activity already gave us some phrases that can help to make up our own sentence so it's more easier now to do this activity.
This is the words/phrases that we can use to make our own sentences:

  • as fast as...
  • as tall as...
  • as small as...
  • beautiful like...
This is the sentences that I make using this phrases;
  1. The runner ran as fast as cheetah.
  2. His height is as tall as giraffe. 
  3.  A marble is as small as a blueberry. 
  4. Her face is beautiful like roses.

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