What Am I learning?
This week we have been learning about the lighting that they used for the entire film and writing a paragraph about the different part of the film that has the different lighting on it.
How does my work show my learning?
My work is showing that I understand the meaning and message of different lighting in the film and being able to explain them.
What Am I wondering?
During this topic I started to wonder why is it important to have this lighting to every part of the film.
The first time that we saw the real world in the film we can see that they used a lot of pale colors that made it look old, haunted and dry. Coraline’s family are living in a place called “ Pink Palace” . This name is already giving us a hint that the color of their house is pink. Also when we think that this is a palace we think that it’s like a colorful place. Once we saw the place it looked like someone could stay and live there. The lighting is natural that is coming from the cloudy weather. They used pale colors like white, grey and kinda yellowish to make it their house look like it's old. The garden looks like that all the plants are dead and when we saw Coraline walking outside all of the surroundings were all black.
When Coraline and the other mother started to argue about the button's eyes. We can see the lighting in the other world is way more brighter than before. The only difference is it is brighter not in a good way but it’s burgh that making the atmosphere feel creepy and scary. The other mother becomes more strict to Coraline and the lighting is combined with it very well. After the other mother changed her look the lighting became vivid and they used a lot of strong color to the scary mother. In this part of the movie we barely see a natural light because most of it is artificial and coming from different sources.
The last and ending part of the film. After Coraline finally stopped the other mother from her evil plan and finally came back to the other world. We can see that the lighting is not as bright as the other world but it’s not as pale as it used to be. In their house we can’t see a lot of things that change the color but the lighting looks happy and starts to get brighter. The ending part of the movie is when Coraline’s family and their neighbors start to fix their garden. The lighting is bright and natural. It is coming from the sun making it look way warmer and more inviting. compared to the first part of the movie. The lighting is cold.