
Monday, May 4, 2020

Business Studies - Games

The task the we have to do for our business studies for this week is all about making our own games using the things that we discuss and the topics that we have learned over term 1.
I decided to make game where have a little spinner that looks like a clock and instead of having a  number around it you will see a different activity. The first things that you need to do is you need to choose one topic and spin the arrow in the middle of our spinner and do the activity base on where the arrow stop spinning.
I decided to choose this type of game because it's easy to make and you don't need to much time to do it. Also I really like this games because you're not just gonna do 1 or same activity on each word but a lot of choices and you don't know what is it, also for me business studies is really helpful for us so you will need to be able to do the basics or simple activity like this before you will learn a lot of different things. And of course you will learn it while having fun at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shiela
    Great game, it looks like it would be heaps of fun to play and perhaps quite funny watching people try and act out some of the words. Have you had a chance to play your game yet? Your word choices look like you have made cards for words from across the whole term. Great job.
