Today we have been talking about different types of sustainability. We have been learning about the definition of each of this topic. This work is showing the definition of each topic and the table below is showing the meaning of Equitable, Viable and bearable definition.
Three Aspects of sustainability
Environmental Sustainability - This is all about using and having the living and natural resources in a right way. It means that we don’t want to have more resources than can be renewed.
Social Sustainability - Having the things or resources that we are using right now are still able to be used in the future. Giving the next generation the chance to have the resources that we have now.
Economics Sustainability - Using the resources with the rate that ensures the future generation so they can also use these resources.
Sustainable Development - This means having the resources that meet the needs of the present without making the future generations know their own needs.
Today we have been learning about different things that are covered by environmental sustainability. We have been learning about different definition. Environmental Sustainability is all about different things in environment. Some of these things are nature and tree, and more about environment.
- Water droplet
- Tree
- Paw
- Heart
Green for Land
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (+500)
Plant trees (+500)
Affordable clean energy (+200)
Blue for Ocean
Reduce fish waste (+300)
Plant additional coral reefs (+350)
Clean out oil spillage (+500)
Orange for Food
Reduce waste production (+300)
Responsible consumption and production (+400)
Healthy foods (+500)
Red for Social
Gender equality (+400)
Good health and well being (+500)
Equal Opportunities (+450)
Fundraiser for people with disabilities (+300)
Yellow for Electricity and Power
Use electricity only essential use (+400)
Reduce excessive unnecessary use of electricity (+300)
Turn off unnecessary use of light power (+200)
Pink for Animals
Healthy and well care for animals (+450)
Healthy diet consumption regarding animals (+300)
Reducing the extinction of animals (+500)
Purple for Air and Atmosphere
Reduce air pollution by developing objects that don’t require fossil fuels.
Reduce and eliminate fireplaces and wood stove burning.
Reduction to forest fires.
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