
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Business Study

Today for our business study we were talking about money. We have our choice if we want to do a mind map of a t-chart. I decided to do a t-chart since I am not familiar in mind map. Also I choose to do  a T-chart because  it's easy and we just have an hour so I did this so I will able to finish. Also we have to write to three or two sentences what we have learnt for today.

Money is an item than you can use to buy some things and an item that you were able to exchange to something. Also money is something that you can traid to somethings, for example if you want to buy something, they will give it to and you will give you money. Money is really important because they can do a lot and they can help us.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shiela
    Great job on your t-chart. You have included some really good points for both benefits and disadvantages. You have listed a great range of them too. I like how with many of your points you have noted that they while they might be beneficial the same thing can also be a disadvantages. You have clearly thought a lot about this. You have shown some great insight. Keep up the good work.
